EShishas are fast becoming the must have celebrity accessory and are being branded as a healthier alternative to smoking regular shisha but just what is an eshisha?
What is an eshisha?
An eshisha is essentially a fruit flavoured, nicotine free electronic cigarette. EShishas are designed to replicate the flavour of shisha but without any of the addictive or potentially harmful ingredients found in regular shishas.
Litejoy disposable eshishas are available in Blueberry, Pomegranate, Watermelon, Grape & Mint, Cherry, Apple, Grape, Strawberry and Orange.
A Healthier alternative
An average shisha session can last around an hour and in that time you can inhale around the same amount of smoke as in over 100 cigarettes.
Shisha pipes contain tobacco sweetened with fruit or molasses sugar to make the smell more appealing than regular cigarette smoke. Wood, coal or charcoal is burned in shisha pipes to heat the tobacco and create the smoke. Shisha smoke contains toxins including carbon monoxide and heavy metals which reduce the body's ability to oxygenate the blood, this not only affects the shisha user but also creates a passive smoking risk.
Even tobacco-free or herbal shishas pose a risk as they release carbon monoxide and other toxins from the coal or charcoal used to burn the shisha.
E Shishas do not contain tobacco or any of the toxins found in regular shishas making them a healthier alternative. E Shishas are also nicotine free allowing you to enjoy the flavour of shisha without the nicotine addiction.
You can find out more by visiting our
eshisha: how it works page.