Rechargeable Electronic Cigarettes: 5 frequently asked questions
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- What is an electronic cigarette and how does it work?
An electronic cigarette is a device designed to replicate the process of smoking a tobacco cigarette. Electronic Cigarettes are similar in size, look and feel to a regular cigarette but without any of the poisonous and cancer-causing ingredients making them a healthier alternative.
Electronic Cigarettes contain a flavoured liquid called eliquid which contains nicotine, allowing users to still receive their nicotine intake.
A rechargeable electronic cigarette is made up of two parts, a battery and a cartomiser. When a user draws on an electronic cigarette, a sensor detects the flow of air and the battery heats an element in the cartomiser which vapourises the eliquid, the user can then inhale the vapour containing the nicotine.
- What is in eliquid?
Eliquid contains pharmaceutical grade nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, food grade flavouring and water.
Propylene Glycol also known as e number e1520 is a food grade, clear, colourless chemical which is used in many every day products such as medicines, mouthwashes and as a preservative in foods. It is classified as generally regarded as safe and shown to be negative for carcinogenicity.
Vegetable Glycerin or Vegetable Glycerol is a carbohydrate derived from plant oils. It has a syrup like consistency, is resistant to freezing and is used in many every day products including toothpaste, as a sweetener and as a treatment for gum disease.
- How much is 1 puff of a Litejoy electronic cigarette in comparison to a regular cigarette?
1 cigarette is classed as being the approximate equivalent of 10 puffs of a Litejoy electronic cigarette.
- How many mah is a battery and how long do they last?
Our regular rechargeable electronic cigarettes are 180mAh. Based on a daily charge, we would expect a rechargeable battery to last around 3 - 4 months before it would need replacing however this maybe be more or less.
- Is my electronic cigarette compatible with any cartomiser refill?
As different brands of electronic cigarette have different battery threads, it is likely that Litejoy batteries will not be compatible with other brands and vice versa. Litejoy batteries and e cigarette starter kits are compatible with all cartomisers in the refills section, this includes all flavours and strengths.
Electronic Cigarettes UK