All electronic cigarettes, whether using pre-filled cartomisers or a clearomiser tank system require e-liquid to produce the inhaled vapour.
The Litejoy
E cigarette liquid contains Pharmaceutical Grade Nicotine, Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerol, Water and Food Grade Flavouring.
The stimulant in cigarettes and the substance that is addictive is the nicotine. Nicotine has no discernible taste; therefore, to produce the taste in your e-liquid flavouring needs to be added. There are an infinite number of flavours that can be used.
Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerol are added as ingredients of e-liquid for two reasons. Firstly it is added to dilute the mixture of nicotine and flavours to the correct strength. Secondly it helps produce the vapour that is inhaled and ‘transports’ both the flavour and nicotine from the electronic cigarette to the user.
Most users of
electronic cigarettes say that using them has helped to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes.
Due to the lack of tobacco, electronic cigarette don’t produce smoke so users are no longer referred to as smokers, instead they produce liquid vapour and electronic cigarette user are referred to as vapers.
Having switched to e cigarettes, former smokers tend to distance themselves from tobacco products, yet they often feel they’re getting the best of both worlds by still receiving the addictive nicotine hit while reducing their risk factor. With electronic cigarettes you can still experience the physical ritual of smoking, something which many smokers enjoy and do not want to sacrifice.
There are huge waves of adopters of this new lifestyle product and it definitely is the healthier option. If you’re looking to switch, get started here: